Research & Technical Reports

The IDEA Center’s research staff has conducted a variety of studies over the years in an effort to advance our understanding of teaching and learning and improve the use and interpretation of information provided to IDEA users.
Research Notes
Research Note 7: Teaching Methods Associated with Teacher Clarity
Research Note 6: Validity of the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction Student Characteristic Items
Research Note 5: Non-response Rates to Individual Items on the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction Forms
Research Note 4: Paper versus Online Survey Delivery
Research Note 3: Teaching Evaluation and Number of Objectives Chosen
Research Note 2: Alternate Scale Study
Research Note 1: The Excellent Teacher Item
Research Reports
Research Report 11: The Effects of Gender and Carnegie Classification on Personnel Ratings of Administrators and Chairs
Research Report 10: The Effects of Instructor Gender and Discipline Group on Student Ratings of Instruction
Research Report 9: Teaching Methods Associated with Student Progress in General Education Courses
Research Report 8: Validity and Reliability of IDEA Teaching Essentials
Research Report 7: Summarizes the results of a study investigating the use of the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction system in online courses.
Research Report 6: Explains the IDEA system extraneous variables
Research Report 5: Discusses the fairness of student ratings for teachers of General/Liberal Education Classes.
Research Report 4: Identifies teaching styles that facilitate student progress on specific learning objectives.
Research Report 3: Answers the question, “Are Quantitatively-Oriented Courses Different?”
Research Report 2: Assesses the validity of the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction system using new evidence.
Research Report 1: A study focusing on the relationship between various instructional approaches on one hand, and both instructional objectives and instructional outcomes on the other.
Technical Reports
Technical Report No. 21: Updated Technical Manual for the IDEA Feedback System for Chairs
Technical Report No. 20: Updated Technical Manual for the IDEA Feedback System for Administrators
Technical Report No. 19: Analysis of IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction System 2015 Pilot Data
Technical Report No. 18: Revising the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction System, 2002-2011 Data
Technical Report No. 17: Technical Manual for the Revised IDEA Feedback for Administrators System
Technical Report No. 16: An Analysis of IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction Using Paper versus Online Survey Methods, 2002-2008 Data
Technical Report No. 15: An Analysis of IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction in Traditional Versus Online Courses
Technical Report No. 14: Technical Manual for the Revised IDEA Feedback for Department Chairs System
Technical Report No. 13: Disciplinary Differences in Student Ratings
Technical Report No. 12: Basic Data for the Revised IDEA System
Technical Report No. 11: Revising the IDEA System
Technical Report No. 1: Development of the IDEA System